A blank project, an empty repository, a dream.
And the most pretentious way to start a blog ever. Nice. We're all set to go.
Alright. I've just gotten my portfolio up and running. It looks good. But there's a shocking, disturbing lack of work in my projects lesson. You and me, reader. Let's change that.
Since we're about to take the world by storm, we're gonna need to come out all guns blazing. I'm talking shock and awe tactics here. We're gonna take on a beast of a challenge. Something that grabs potential employers by their collar, slaps 'em 'cross the face and says, "Look at this genius and the beautiful work of art he blessed us with."
Ha, nah, we're just gonna build this little dealie-doo here. I'm gonna take it nice and easy into this whole blogging-as-you-go kinda thing.
This is a nice little component that shows a user some plan they've chosen, and lets them continue with their purchase, change the plan, or cancel the whole thing. It's useful, looks nice, and it'll be a nice way to dip my toes into these practice projects and blogging.
I'm going with straight HTML and CSS with this one. I might start using Bootstrap or something later, but this is just some simple layout and interactivity, so just the vanilla tools will do. I do have some styles I've already written, so I'll apply some of those. Do a little tweaking...
And.. done!
Well, all in all, that felt pretty good. Now, on to better and more challenging things!